Saturday, March 19, 2011

Photo(s) of the Week: Urban Macro by request

Nikon D7000 w/ 105mm Micro Nikkor, 1/800sec at f8, ISO400

I had a personal request recently that I shoot more macro photos, and who am I, if not someone who honors personal requests!  So I slapped my 105mm Micro Nikkor on my camera and went for a walk on what was a pleasantly sunny almost-spring day.  These two photos were from that walk.

The shot above is the corner of a wall, sort of an ode to brick walls.  The shot below is the top of a fire hydrant.  Though I'm quite certain they weren't singing about fire hydrants, the song Ready to Start by the Arcade Fire has popped into my head:

"My mind is open wide, and now I'm ready to start"

> OPEN >
Nikon D7000 w/ 105mm Micro Nikkor, 1/320sec at f8, ISO400

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